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Wednesday, August 22, 2012


* Mother's Love is the purest form of Love in this world, how much more purer is the Love of God who had created the Mother's Love. . .No Mother has ever fed her child with her own flesh, The Love of God is so sacrificial that he offered his flesh and blood for the salvation of all humans.

* I desire to grow innocent once more like the child in the mother's womb.

* If you truly want to be unique, strive to live a pure life. For there a many who live the easy sinful life... Only the dead log floats along with the river, the person with life and courage swims against it.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

All Praise and Glory be to the Almighty God, My Creator!

Almighty, Marvelous and Incomparable true God,
My merciful Saviour and humble Lord.
Wonderful Lord of all lords and Supreme Emperor of all kings,
Beautiful Creator and Extreme redeemer of all living things.
My Holy father, living in an unapproachable light,
My Sovereign Lord, my true wealth and delight.
My Grace and Protection, you are Infinite Wisdom and Everlasting love,
My Peace and Salvation, you are my Eternal life descended from above.
Holy Spirit of God, be to you all praises and glory,
through my Immaculate mother Mary.

Thursday, November 18, 2010



A Reasoning Human Mind

Why do we fail to open our mind?
Why is it so hard for us to find?
The reason, why we were born,
Our memories ending with mourn.

If from monkeys we did evolve,
And from big bang does the earth revolve,
Why does science fail to explain all things?
Why is there so many religions among human beings?

What do the religions teach us?
Why didn’t the message still reach us?
The world is filled with deceiving lies,
We fail to see it even with opened eyes.

It’s never too late to search and believe,
But search for the truth and believe in divine love!

                                             – Gavin John Abraham

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Poem:  A Message to the World

Life was started with blood,
And life has ended with blood,
Though great leaders have led,
And many wise men have said;
There is not enough bread,
For the poor to be fed,
We still never learnt the lesson from the dead! 

                                                   – Gavin John Abraham